The XIX International Botanical Congress in 2017, Shenzhen, China, July 23-29
Symposium: “Breaking the mold:” a role for non-model species in plant development
Organizers: Arunika Gunawardena (Dalhousie University, Canada) and Christian Lacroix (University of Prince Edward Island, Canada)
Canadian Botanical Association 52nd Annual meeting in Victoria, BC, Canada 15-18 May 2016
26 th Annual Meeting of the Scandinavian Plant Physiologists Society, Stockholm, Sweden, August 9-13 2015.
XIX Congress of the Federation of European Societies of Plant Biology (FESPB) held in Dublin, Ireland, From June 22nd to 26th, 2014
Botany 2012, Columbus, OH, USA, 7-12 July 2012
Microscopic Society of Canada Annual Meeting, Halifax, Canada, 5-7 June 2012
XVIII International Botanical Congress (IBC), Melbourne, Australia, 23-31 July 2011
with Professor Peter Raven
Christina Lord presenting her e-poster at IBC 2011
Adrian dauphinee next to his e-poster at IBC 2011
Dinner party at Peter and Asha's house in Melbourne, Australia
Plant Canada Conference, Halifax, Canada, July 17-21 2011
Jaime Wertman and Adrian Dauphinee next to their posters
Memories of Plant Canada Conference, Halifax, Canada, July 17-21 2011
Cameron Conference Halifax, 2009
Annual Cameron Conference showcasing Biology Honours research.
Kendra Sauerteig giving her presentation
Student Johannah Profit next to her poster
PDW and CSPP Conference Toronto, 2008
Master's student Christina Lord (left) explains poster to Dr.Eva Cholewa (Nipissing University).
Cameron Conference Halifax, 2008
Annual Cameron Conference showcasing Biology Honours research.
Student Anna Elliott next to her poster.
Student Christina Lord next to her poster.
Atlantic Undergraduate Biology Conference St.John's, 2008
Lab Members
Past Lab Members